All Levels
StrengthA. 4 Sets of:
A1. Lateral hurdle jumps, 4 to the left, 4 to the right(play with hight variations)
A2. ME Strict Pull-Ups + ME Kipping Pull-Ups(or 5 RR + 10 Kipp/Swings)
A3. :30s L-Sit
B. 3 Rounds for time of:
10 Ring Push-Ups
20m Bear crawl
30 Walking lunges (total)
10:00min Time cap
WeightliftingA. Power snatch + hang snatch + TNG snatch
A.1 Establish a daily max in the complex.
A.2 Drop down to 80% of your max in the complex and do twenty hang snatches.
Twist 1: If you take a step forward or backwards as you stand up the overhead squat that lift is a no-rep. If you get no repped the set is over so you have to drop the bar and begin again. All good reps up until the no-rep still count.
Twist 2. If you fail a lot you have to do ten burpees over the bar before you can continue with the hang snatches.
GymnasticsA. 12:00min isometric intervall work:
:30s ON/:30s OFF Chest-facing wall HS hold
:30s ON/:30s OFF Active hang
:30s ON/:30s OFF Chest-facing wall HS hold
:30s ON/:30s OFF Active hang
:20s ON/:40s OFF Chest-facing wall HS hold
:20s ON/:40s OFF Active hang
:20s ON/:40s OFF Chest-facing wall HS hold
:20s ON/:40s OFF Active hang
:10s ON/:50s OFF Chest-facing wall HS hold
:10s ON/:50s OFF Active hang
:10s ON/:50s OFF Chest-facing wall HS hold
:10s ON/:50s OFF Active hang
B. For time:
21 Kipping Pull-Ups
21 Push Ups
15 C2B Pull-Ups
15 Strict Ring Dips
9 Bar MU
9 Strict HSPU
15:00min Time cap
All Levels
MetconCrossFit Games 2014 WOD 3:
„Triple 3“, for time:
3000m Row
300 DUs
3 Miles Run
Intermediates may choose to do a "Triple 2“
Beginners may choose to do a „Triple 1"
All Levels
MetconTeams of 2 with one BB (no rack), for time:
A 30 OHS 30/20kg
B 30 Presses 30/20kg
A 30 Front Squat 50/35kg
B 30 Push Presses 50/35kg
A 30 Back Squat 60/40kg
B 30 Push Jerk 60/40kg
A 30 Presses 30/20kg
B 30 OHS 30/20kg
A 30 Push Presses 50/35kg
B 30 Front Squats 50/35kg
A 30 Back Squats 60/40kg
B 30 Push Jerks 60/40kg
A and B are allowed to switch between tasks (e.g. A does 15 OHS, B does 15 Presses, A does 15 OHS, B does 15 Presses)
A and B are not allowed to start the next task if partner did not finish his/her task (e.g. If A has completed 30 OHS, but B has not finish 30 Presses, A is not allowed to start Front Squats)
Grex’ Tipp #5 - Mit uns oder ohne uns. Du kannst viel verändern.
“Heile mich! Und mach mich glücklich! Jetzt.”
Mein Knie, meine Schulter, mein XY tut weh. Ich bin vom Pech verfolgt.
Mein Job macht mir keinen Spaß.
Ich kann heute nicht trainieren weil XY und außerdem YZ.
Warum kann ich nicht auch so essen wie XY und dabei nicht zunehmen.
Mir sind früher auch oft diese Gedanken durch den Kopf gegangen. Dabei habe ich aber immer die Herausforderung auf etwas oder jemanden anderen gelenkt. Dabei liegt es eigentlich nur an mir etwas zu verändern. Jeder hat seinen Rucksack zu tragen.
Manche haben einen „langsameren“ Stoffwechsel, manche brauchen länger einen Muscle Up zu lernen, der Hinge braucht ewig, fehlende Sprunggelenksflexibilität, stärker werden, ... Jeder hat ein paar dieser Dinge in seinem Rucksack.
Die Frage nach der Lösung ist immer die gleiche:
„Was tust du dagegen/dafür und wie konsequent verfolgst du die Veränderung?“
Diese Frage habe ich immer wieder von erfolgreichen Menschen in unterschiedlichen Zusammenhängen gestellt bekommen. Therapeuten, bei denen ich mit Schmerzen war. Oder Unternehmer, die ich nach inputs für mein business gefragt habe.
Niemand wird für dich deine Probleme lösen. Wir können mit dir einen Veränderungsprozess starten. Der Rest liegt an dir.
So gut ich kann.
Wenn wir dich bei der Realisierung deiner Ziele unterstützen sollen - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. oder 0664/84 85 928.
Die einzige Voraussetzung ist dein Wille zur Veränderung. Du wirst überrascht sein.
Coach Greg
All Levels
Power ClusterA. Technical max of:
2 Power Clusters
B. Drop down to 65% of A.:
30 Power Clusters for time
C. 2 Rounds for total reps of:
1:00min Push-Ups
1:00min Pull-Ups
1:00min Sit-Ups
1:00min Air Squats
GymnasticsA. 5 Sets of:
A1. :10s Front Lever
A2. :10s Back Lever
B. 5 Sets of:
B1. 5 Negative Body lever (slow descent)
B2. 5 Headstand Pike/Straddle press
C. Establish a 1RM Weighted Pull-Up & Weighted Ring Dip(or 5x5 scaled)
All Levels
A. 21:00min EMOM:
1/4/7/10/13/16/19 - 5-8 Double KB Front squats(heavy)
2/5/8/11/14/17/20 - 5-8 Strict TTB
3/6/9/12/15/18/21 - 10m Sled rope pull
B. For time:
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10
Double KB Thrusters 24/16kg
KBS 24/16kg
5:00min Time cap
A. Clean & Jerk (squat clean + split jerk)
A.1 Technical max in singles.
A.2 Drop down to 90% and do one CNJ every minute for as long as possible.
Time cap: 30 minutes.
A. 3 Sets of:
A1. :30/:30s Side Arch hold
A2. 5 - 10 Hanging Leg Raises
A3. :30s Chest-facing wall HS hold
B. 3 Sets of:
B1. 30/30 Side Arch rocks
B2. :10s L-Hang
B3. :30s Inverted hang
C. For time:
40m Walking lunges
40m Bear crawl
40m Walking lunges
All Levels
StrengthA. 4 Sets of:
A1. 10/10 SL RDL w DB/KB
A2. 5 (Weighted) Ring dips
B. 10 Rounds for time of:
200m Run
8 DB Push presses 2x15/10kg
20:00min Time cap
All Levels
StrengthA. 3 Sets of:
:30s Passive hang
:30s Rest
:20s Passive hang
:20s Rest
:10s Passive hang
:10s Rest
B. 3 Sets of:
B1. 2-5/2-5 Rope Pull-Ups @ 33X2, rest :30s between sides
B2. :30s/:30s OA Plank hold
C. 7:00min AMRAP of:
200m DB Farmers Carry 2x20/10kg
ME DB Box Step-overs 2x20/10kg, 20“
Score= #of Step-overs
WeightliftingA. Snatch
A.1 Establish your daily max in snatch singles.
B. Power snatch + hang snatch + TNG snatch
B.1 Establish a daily max in the complex.
B.2 Drop down to 80% of your max in the complex and do twenty hang snatches.
Twist 1: If you take a step forward or backwards as you stand up the overhead squat that lift is a no-rep. If you get no repped the set is over so you have to drop the bar and begin again. All good reps up until the no-rep still count.
Twist 2. If you fail a lot you have to do ten burpees over the bar before you can continue with the hang snatches.
NB. The two twists only apply to B.2.
All Levels
StrengthA. 4 Sets of:
A1. 20/20 unloaded Cossack Squats
A2. 15/15 BP Russian Twists
A3. 20m Heavy carry(Yoke, Sanbag, Sled, Partner,…)
B. 12:00min
:30s ON/:30s OFF:
Burpee Broad jumps
Cover as much distance as possible(1 rep = 10m)
WeightliftingA. Power clean + hang cluster
A. 1 Establish a daily max in the complex. You are only allowed to drop the bar after the cluster and not between the reps.
B. Thruster Chipper
Male weights: 40/40, 60/30, 75/20, 90/10.
Female weights: 25/40, 45/30, 60/20, 70/10.
Scale as needed.
GymnasticsA. 10:00 min EMOM:
1 - 5 Strict Pull-Ups
2 - 10 Push-Ups
B. 10:00min EMOM:
1 - 10 Inverted Rows
2 - 5 sHSPU
C. 5:00min AMRAP of:
Candlestick rolls into Box jump over
All Levels
StrengthA. 4 Sets of:
A1. 20/20 unloaded Cossack Squats
A2. 15/15 BP Russian Twists
A3. 20m Heavy carry(Yoke, Sanbag, Sled, Partner,…)
B. 12:00min
:30s ON/:30s OFF:
Burpee Broad jumps
Cover as much distance as possible(1 rep = 10m)
WeightliftingA. Power clean + hang cluster
A. 1 Establish a daily max in the complex. You are only allowed to drop the bar after the cluster and not between the reps.
B. Thruster Chipper
Male weights: 40/40, 60/30, 75/20, 90/10.
Female weights: 25/40, 45/30, 60/20, 70/10.
Scale as needed.
GymnasticsA. 10:00 min EMOM:
1 - 5 Strict Pull-Ups
2 - 10 Push-Ups
B. 10:00min EMOM:
1 - 10 Inverted Rows
2 - 5 sHSPU
C. 5:00min AMRAP of:
Candlestick rolls into Box jump over