All Levels
StrengthA. 3 Sets of:
:30s Passive hang
:30s Rest
:20s Passive hang
:20s Rest
:10s Passive hang
:10s Rest
B. 3 Sets of:
B1. 2-5/2-5 Rope Pull-Ups @ 33X2, rest :30s between sides
B2. :30s/:30s OA Plank hold
C. 7:00min AMRAP of:
200m DB Farmers Carry 2x20/10kg
ME DB Box Step-overs 2x20/10kg, 20“
Score= #of Step-overs
WeightliftingA. Snatch
A.1 Establish your daily max in snatch singles.
B. Power snatch + hang snatch + TNG snatch
B.1 Establish a daily max in the complex.
B.2 Drop down to 80% of your max in the complex and do twenty hang snatches.
Twist 1: If you take a step forward or backwards as you stand up the overhead squat that lift is a no-rep. If you get no repped the set is over so you have to drop the bar and begin again. All good reps up until the no-rep still count.
Twist 2. If you fail a lot you have to do ten burpees over the bar before you can continue with the hang snatches.
NB. The two twists only apply to B.2.