All Levels
StrengthA. 4 Sets of:
A1. 20/20 unloaded Cossack Squats
A2. 15/15 BP Russian Twists
A3. 20m Heavy carry(Yoke, Sanbag, Sled, Partner,…)
B. 12:00min
:30s ON/:30s OFF:
Burpee Broad jumps
Cover as much distance as possible(1 rep = 10m)
WeightliftingA. Power clean + hang cluster
A. 1 Establish a daily max in the complex. You are only allowed to drop the bar after the cluster and not between the reps.
B. Thruster Chipper
Male weights: 40/40, 60/30, 75/20, 90/10.
Female weights: 25/40, 45/30, 60/20, 70/10.
Scale as needed.
GymnasticsA. 10:00 min EMOM:
1 - 5 Strict Pull-Ups
2 - 10 Push-Ups
B. 10:00min EMOM:
1 - 10 Inverted Rows
2 - 5 sHSPU
C. 5:00min AMRAP of:
Candlestick rolls into Box jump over