Assistance Work:
1:00 bizeps curls, elbows against wall
1:00 trizeps kick backs
4x20/10sec T2B/hold at 90 degrees
A. 3 rounds of:
Hercules hoist rope pull into
20m overhead SB carry
B. 3rounds of:
ME SB squats 20+ into
20m harnessed bear crawl
Assistance Work:
400m SB carry
A. 2 rounds of:
20m Sb carry + 3 SB cleans on a box for 2 sets
B. 3 rounds of:
20m farmer carry
C. 20m truck pull ahap
A. Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
20 dumbbell push presses
40 double-unders
B. 10:00 weighted lunges (grab a small weight and carry it as you like/10:00 Step Ups (Week 4 of 4)
Rest until nasal inhale/exhale
5x 3-minute rounds of:
10 front squats
10 box jumps
Row for max calories
Rest 3 minutes between rounds.
A. Sandbag Presses:
Option 1: EMOM 12 - 3 Presses increase weight each round
Option 2: 2 sets - 5-4-3-2-1
B. 60s ME Biceps Curls
C. 60s OA Dumbell Rows/side
D. 2 sets of Rope Pulls
Anderson Yoke/Sandbag Squats: 12 x 2 @ 75% 1RM
B. 2 Sets:
Farmer Carry
C. 2 Sets:
Reverse Sled Drag
D. 180m Sled Sprint - if you make it to 200m repeat the set. Or put some damn weight on the sled for the 1st set.
A. Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
12 Pull Ups
36 kettlebell swings
B. Run 20.00 - push as hard as you can but nasal breathing only
A. Dynamic Bench Press: 3x15 @ 55%
B. 60s banded Bench Press
C. Pull Ups/Pulldowns
Option 1: 3 Rep Max in 10min
Option 2: 3 reps every 30s for 10:00
D. 1 set 60s of Sandbag onto Box - fastest pace possible. Start with a suicide pace and increase continously... Be your own judge.