



A. EMOM for 8 Minutes to establish your max weight - SB on a box

A. 8 Minutes to establish your max weight - SB on a box

B. AMRAP 12:

3 SB on a box (increase weight each round)
15 TTB
200m Run



A. Pull-Ups & Dips

B. 20min lunges

C. Sandbag Squats with :5s pause at the bottom

So you want to own a unique gym? 

Great. Everybody wants to. 
But what exactly do you want? Now exclude all the brands and programs that went through your mind. This is not you. This is consulting business. This is trying to make you happy with an external player. Additionally it's playing a role with a probably and hopefully great product which might even secure your living for some time.
Again this is not you. You might use bits and pieces from everywhere. Sure thing.
But now let's move forward and envision yourself standing in your gym/in your business.
What do you feel?
This is the perfect gym. Or...
This is my perfect gym. 
With all its imperfections, edges, hiccups, etc. But most importantly YOU feel like home.
What does it take to get you there? 
Let's find it out - together. 
This will not be easy for neither of us. You will have to face your challenges and we'll see if you're up for tackling them.
It will be lots of work for you. Brain and body homework.
Eventually you'll have to fire a part of your current self. 
This is not a business course. And no there won't be any case studies for best practice. Because guess what...
Exactly. It's about your unique business. 
There are really smart people out there who can help you with the hardware - web design, social media, online shops, courses for coaching development etc ... Go and find them.
But what does that all matter if you have no clue WHY and HOW you want to offer your services? 
What could make your business unique? What about combining your love and passion for art with your gym? Are you into music, dancing,...? 
Otherwise you will compete int the very shallow waters of training methodology and pricing. It becomes a game of faith or money on who will manage your health.
If not now when is the right time to leave the beaten tracks? 

Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.

Sigmund Freud


That’s the only thing we can’t do for you. You got to be honest with yourself.

We care about your growth exclusively. Not your success. Doesn’t that mean to open up and show vulnerability to others? Who are we to deny your mistakes? Open up and talk about what’s scaring you. If you start many others will follow. Start listening to people telling more about their failures than success stories. Failure is general. Success highly individual. Perfection is never the goal. But we’ll thrive for it. We aim to inspire you to recognize the reality of their fitness journeys, accepting that this is a years-long process and committing themselves to all the ups and downs. When we speak as coaches, we are speaking from experience, drawing on the difficult years that we have gone through in order to learn and grow to the point that we can pass our knowledge and understanding along to others. The idea of "earning it" is foundational for us, and we only expect our members to show up to our training sessions ready to study and work. Who will judge your effort?


Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.


Keep it real. | Keep it grexy. 


Don’t buy my service. Sell me your willingness to learn.

Greg, fuck off. This is 2020.

We are in the midst of a pandemic. Everyone is selling online training. Read: trying to make a living. Fair enough. Now please go and read the first sentence again.

What needs to be understood is the concept of change can’t be bought or outsourced and I’m going to use my fellow famous Austrian psychiatrist Dr. Viktor Frankl, the founder of Logotherapy, as an example. In his clinic he came up with a technique called paradoxical intention. It is the deliberate practice of a neurotic habit or thought, undertaken to identify and remove it. Used as a counseling technique in which the counselor intensifies the client's emotional state in order to help the client understand the irrationality of the emotional reaction. It is also thought to derive its powerful effectiveness, not from understanding anything, as understanding often lacks the power to cause change, but from operating in alignment with and harnessing the power of the universal principle, "What you resist persists." By getting the client/patient to use the power of their will and intention to increase the symptom they've been automatically trying to decrease, resistance disappears, and as a consequence, persistence disappears.

What’s resisting you/what are you resisting from selling yourself the willingness to learn about your very own health?

Can you spot the difference between the first and the last sentence?


Don’t buy my service. Sell yourself your willingness to learn.

Do you need or do you want a sixpack?


Bear with me for a second and let’s re-define what you are training for. Health? Sixpack?

Is that necessarily the same?

Everybody wants to look good naked. Of course – so do I.

But is training for the purpose of a Sixpack automatically stearing you towards being more healthy?

Sleeping better, being emotionally balanced, being capable of doing better and more work in any aspect of your life,...?

Is your current fitness routine helping you deal mentally and physically with extreme situations?

Heat, cold, setbacks, giving up moments, lifting weigths, struggles, viruses, ...

 Health will open up the gate towards getting a Sixpack.

A Sixpack is not healthy. Wait. Let me re-phrase that.

You know what? Re-read that again instead.

So where do I start my health journey?

Be a part of something bigger focusing on health.

Trust me this will be much harder than training for a Sixpack.

A healthy (sic!) training environment will challenge and scare the shit out of you to truly observe who you are and why you and your current habbit and behavior are the biggest hurdle.

Being scared and intimidated is totally fine and necessary to elicit changes.

I was and still am as scared as you are. Let's face it together.


Learn. Apply. Do work. Share.



Between stimulus and response there is a space.

In that space is our power to choose our response.

In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Viktor E. Frankl


How are you reacting to the current worldwide lockdown? In more general terms – how are we reacting to unplanned circumstances? Is this a chance for change? If yes are we putting our money where our mouth is? Everyone at least once said „If I would have more time I will do XYZ.“ Right? So most of us do have the time right now. If not more time than maybe our lives have been forcefully focused on the essentials. Family, food and movement.

It feels like an ambivalent situation. It is fascinting to see the solidarity, the kindness, the discipline and the pure will to keep everyone as healthy and sane as possible. Yesterday when I walked my dog I probably saw a beautiful human gesture just down my street. A couple was visiting their friends bringing the own set of table and chairs. Placing them right in front of entrance but still on the public sidewalk. Making sure to keep them physically distanced but socially engaged. Humans are smart and creative. But isn’t that leading to a rudimental question – do we need a third party authority to fill that space between stimulus and response? Do we need soemone telling us what is right and wrong?


So why not choose our own response wisely. You are creative. Maybe you didn’t need it yet.


If youth knew; if age could. Sigmund Freud


I don’t know so I do and try things.

I don’t know what I can do as an eldery. So I train.


We are onto something - our vision to spread world class coaching to and training for everyone out there. Especially if you physically can’t train with us. Especially if you are not into strength training yet. We are here to demystify fitness and open up the world of Grex for everyone. I am willing to share everything about me and the process of Grex. We provide the guiding and the culture. You bring your body and truthfulness. Stay tuned. We might have found a way to #staygrexy around the world.


 Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.

Sigmund Freud


If you don’t want to push (read: you are unhappy with your results) ask yourself: Why?

Was it harder than expected?

Did you understand the process of becoming better?

Did you play a role in your gym?

Come as you are. We love everyone for being themselves.

Then we’ll work on fitness. Taste the GreX-factor.


Maybe because you‘ve punished yourself until now? And you didn’t want to be there?



For time:
KB Thrusters 2x16/12kg

I admit the storage and usage of my data (More)