A. 3x 8 Yates Rows
B. Weighted Push Ups
Option 1: 3 Rep Max in 10min
Option 2: 3 reps every 30s for 10:00
C. 2 sets: Max intensity effort burpees - fastest pace possible. Start with a suicide pace and increase continously... Be your own judge.
D. Row 20.00 - push but nasal breathing only
"2 in/2 out" - Sprint 2 min out and 2min back
Kettlebell Swing, 2 minutes
Rest 2 minutes.
Kettlebell Swing, 90 seconds
Rest 90 seconds.
Kettlebell Swing, 60 seconds.
Rest as needed.
"1 in/1 out" - Sprint 2 min out and 2min back
400m (2x Postkastl hin und zurück) Sandbag Carry
Five rounds of:
Bench press BW
"L" Rope climb
100m (1x Baumstamm und zurück) Sandbag Carry
A. 1 set 250/200m Ab row (straight arms)
B. 2 sets Hercules Hoist Rope Pull
C. Sandbag Presses:
Option 1: EMOM 12 - 3 Presses increase weight each round
Option 2: 2 sets - 5-4-3-2-1
D. 2 sets:
60s Sandbag Cleans
Rest as needed
A. Find your 5RM Sandbag Squat
B. 2 Sets:
Reverse Sled Drag
C. 2 Sets:
Harnessed Bear Crawl
D. 2 Sets:
100m Prowler Sprint with max weight and pace
A. 3x 10 Lat Pulldowns
B. Weighted Push Ups
Option 1: 4 Rep Max in 10min
Option 2: 20-16-12-8-4-4-8-12-16-20 EMOM 10:00
C. 2 sets: Max intensity effort burpees - fastest pace possible. Start with a suicide pace and increase continously... Be your own judge.
D. Run 20.00 - push but nasal breathing only
Option 1:
5 Decline Bench Press
Option 2:
10 Minutes to establish a set of 5 Decline Bench Press
B. 2-3 rounds
Row 250m/150m
Max Effort V-Ups
Jump Squats for :30s
Rest 90s
A. Deadlift:
Option 1: Every 30s for 10:00 Minutes perform 3 Deadlifts
Option 2: 10-8-6-4-2-2-2
B. 3 Sets of:
Upper Body Sled Push and Rope Pull