A. In 15 min - build up to a heavy two rep strict weighted pull up…
Btw. sets 20m reverse sled drag ahap
B. 15:00 AMRAP:
12 Burpees-to-Plate
6 Strict Pull Ups
12 Goblet Squats
17.30 Gymnastics
A. 5 Sets of:
A1. :30s (Advanced) Frog stand
A2. :30s Single bar inverted hang
B. 5 Sets of:
B1. :60s FLR
B2. 30 Hollow Rocks
18.30 Weightlifting
A. Power jerk + split jerk
A.1 Establish a 1RM power jerk + split jerk.
A.2 Drop down to 70% of your just established 1RM and build to a second daily max.
A.3 Drop down to 70% of your just established 1RM and build to a third daily max.
CF Games 2011 WOD 2:
„Double Helen"
For time:
1200m Run
63 KBS 24/16kg
36 Pull-Ups
800m Run
42 KBS
24 Pull-Ups
400m Run
21 KBS
12 Pull-ups
A. 5 Sets of:
A1. 5RM Bench Press (build up over 5 Sets)
A2. 10/10 SL RDL with DB/KB
A3. ME L-Sit
B. For time:
Run 800m
17.30 Gymnastics:
A. 5 Sets of:
A1. 3-5 Weighted Pull-up
A2. ME L-Sit
B. 5 Sets of:
B1. 5/5 Inverted Shoulder taps
B2. 5 Headstand Pike/Straddle Presses
C. For time:
50 Burpees
2:30 Time cap
A. Skill: Kipping Ring Muscle Up Progressions
B. For time:
9 - 7 - 5
Muscle Ups
Power Cleans 100/70kg
10:00min Time Cap
18.30 Gymnastics:
A. Candlestick Roll into Box jump for hight
B. Accumulate 7:00min of hanging
C. Accumulate 7:00min of Frog stand/Crow/Tuck planche
19.30 Weightlifting
A. Snatch.
A.1 Establish your daily 1RM in snatch singles. I want you to build up with one power snatch + one squat snatch. When the power snatch gets too heavy you switch to just a single snatch. Show control in the top position for one second and drop the bar down on each and every rep.
B. TNG Snatch
B.1 Drop down to 50% of your 1RM from A.1 and establish a daily max in TNG doubles.
B.2 Drop down to 90% of the 2RM and do three sets of triples.
B.3. Drop down to 75% of the 2RM for two sets of five reps.
A. Work up to a technical max of:
A1. 2 Power snatches with 3 second pause above the knee
A2. Drop down to 90% of A1 and perform 3 additional sets
B. „Randy“, for time:
75 Power Snatches 35/20kg
10:00 Time Cap
A. 3 sets of:
A1. 6-8/6-8 Stationary reverse Front Rack Lunges
A2. 20m Heavy Farmers carry
B. In Teams of 2, for time:
A does 400m Row + 15 Burpees over the Rower
B is resting
B does 400m Row + 15 Burpees over the Rower
A is resting
A does 300m Row + 10 Burpees over the Rower
B is resting
B does 300m Row + 10 Burpees over the Rower
A is resting
A does 200m Row + 5 Burpees over the Rower
B is resting
B does 200m Row + 5 Burpees over the Rower
A is resting
16.30 Weightlifting
A. Hang snatch
A.1 Establish your daily 1RM in hang snatch.
A.2 Do five additional singles at 90%.
A.3 Do five additional doubles at 80%.
A. 6 Sets of:
A1. 20m Bearcrawl sideways(Set 1,3 and 5 to the left, others to the right)
A2. 3-6 Weighted Chin-Ups
B. „Annie“, for time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Double unders
10:00min Time Cap
A. 5 Sets of:
A1. 3-5 Eccentric HSPU on parallettes
A2. 10/10 Side over arches
B. Teams of 2, 10:00min AMRAP of:
A 10m Wheel barrow
B 10m Partner carry
A+B 10m Walking lunges
B 10m Wheel barrow
A 10m Partner carry
A+B 10m Walking lunges
A. Power clean + power jerk
A.1 Establish a daily 2RM. First do the two power cleans (as TNG) and then the two power jerks (not as TNG).
A.2 Establish another daily 2RM. Do one full lift at the time without dropping the bar to the ground.
A.3 Do five additional singles at the weight of the heaviest double you managed to hit.
A. Every 30 seconds for 20:00min:
2 Power Cleans @ 45-55% of 1RM
B. For time:
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Push Ups
Box Jumps
17.30 Gymnastics:
A. Accumulate 5:00min of Tuck Planche hold on parallettes
B. Accumulate 5:00min of L-Hang
C. Accumulate 5:00min of HS hold(Chest-facing wall)
A. Backsquat
3x3 @ 85-95%
2x6 @ 75-85%
2x10 @ 65-75%
After each set perform 6-8 Strict Pull-Ups
B. For time:
50 Walking Lunges (total)
40 Sit Ups
30 WBS 10/6kg
20 KBS 32/24kg
10 m Bear Crawl
18.30 Gymnastics:
A. Kneeling Jumps for max hight
B. Tabata One Arm Active hang(or Active hang)
C. Tabata Jumping Air squats
19.30 Weightlifting
A. Power clean + power jerk
A.1 Establish a daily 2RM. First do the two power cleans (as TNG) and then the two power jerks (not as TNG).
A.2 Establish another daily 2RM. Do one full lift at the time without dropping the bar to the ground.
A.3 Do five additional singles at the weight of the heaviest double you managed to hit.