
A. 6 Sets of:


A1. 20m Bearcrawl sideways(Set 1,3 and 5 to the left, others to the right)

A2. 3-6 Weighted Chin-Ups


B. „Annie“, for time:

50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10

Double unders



10:00min Time Cap



A. 5 Sets of:

A1. 3-5 Eccentric HSPU on parallettes

A2. 10/10 Side over arches


B. Teams of 2, 10:00min AMRAP of:

A 10m Wheel barrow

B 10m Partner carry

A+B 10m Walking lunges

B 10m Wheel barrow

A 10m Partner carry

A+B 10m Walking lunges



A. Power clean + power jerk

A.1 Establish a daily 2RM. First do the two power cleans (as TNG) and then the two power jerks (not as TNG).

A.2 Establish another daily 2RM. Do one full lift at the time without dropping the bar to the ground.

A.3 Do five additional singles at the weight of the heaviest double you managed to hit.

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