


A. Work up to a heavy set of 5 paused Front Squats - 3s in the bottom position. No cheating. Down slow, up fast. Breathe throughout the whole movement.

During your sets accumulate 30 supinated pull ups/ring rows


B. 5:00 AMRAP

10 DB/KB Snatches

10 Box Jumps 


18.30 Gymnastics


A.Headstand progressions


B. 5 Sets of:


B1. 5 Headstand Pike/Straddle Press

B2. ME Strict Pull up with 3sec. pause with chin over bar

B3. ME Strict TTB from L-hang


19.30 Weightlifting - courtesy of Weightlifting 101.


1. Hang power snatch + behind the neck push-press/power jerk.
1.1 Daily max in one hang power snatch followed by one push-press or power jerk from behind the neck and with the same grip as you used for power snatch.

1.2 Drop down to 80% and perform thirty behind the neck push-presses/power jerks. You have to power snatch the weight to get started and you can break up the sets as you wish. No penalties for breaking up a set.


2. Deadlift

2.1 Ten reps, touch and go, strongest mix-grip.

2.2 Ten reps, touch and go, weakest mix-grip.


2.3 Ten reps, alternating between weakest and strongest mix grip, lift the bar and then drop it down.


A. 3 sets:

A1. Deadlift x 10 - across (warm up - find your weight for the 1st set in max. 3-4 sets)

A2. Power Plank x 15s

A3. (Ring) Dips x 8-10 @10x2


B. Complete 3 rounds for reps of:

In 90s, complete the following:

5 Deadlifts 120/80kg

5 Muscle Ups

Max Wall Balls 10/6kg

-Rest 3 min-


Score is your total number of WBS.


A. 4 sets

A1. Bent over row w. sup. grip x 6 - AHAP

A2. L-Sit/L-Hold x ME


B. 3 rounds for time:

10 Hang Power Cleans 60/40kg

30 Double Unders

10 Front Squats 60/40kg




Mike ist wieder da - wer erkennt ihn am schnellsten? 


A. 4 sets - all EMOM:

A1. weighted front rack reverse lunges x 12

A2. Farmers Carry/KB bottom up hold x 20m

A3. noes & toes HS hold x 30s


B. 7min AMRAP

5 strict HSPU

10 burpee broad jumps


19.30 Weightlifting


A. Power clean + clean + split jerk

A.1 Daily max in the above complex. You are allowed to drop the bar after the power clean but the break should only be a few seconds.

A.2 Do three additional sets on 90% of A.1.


B. Back squat.

B.1 Find your daily max in triples.
B.2 Do five additional sets of triples on 90%.




Ab Montag - FitAid bei uns im Kühlschrank! Prost.


In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of:
52 Wall Ball Shots 10/6 kg
52 Power Cleans 42,5/35 kg
52 Burpees
52 m buddy carry


4 rounds of:

Row - for cal.

Inverted Burpees - for reps

V-Ups - for reps

Double Unders - for reps

KB Swings - - for reps


60s per station, 60s rest after each round.


Clean 1-1-1-1-1

Press 1-1-1-1-1

Front squat 1-1-1-1-1


Warm up, work up and find today's heavy single in 5 working sets.


17.30 Gymnastics mit Turnvater Greg. Nicht lachen.


A. Kipping Pull Up Progression


B. 4 rounds for time:

10m bear crawl

20 (C2B) Pull Ups

30 Box Jumps




Complete the following for time:

800m Run ————– 10 Rounds: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Squats ————– 800m Run


17.30 Mobility

Ankle and lower leg


18.30 Gymnastics

A. Pistol progressions

B. 5 sets of:

B1. 5/5 windshield wipers

B2. 10/10 Pistols

B3. 15 (Ring) Push Ups


19.30 Weightlifting

A. Clean Pulls/Tall Cleans

B. Max. Complex: Clean + Hang Clean + 3 Front Squats

C. @70% of B perform 15 reps of: Clean + Hang Clean + 1 Front Squat


A. End quad dominance x3 sets

A1. Reverse hyper/banded good mornings x 15 reps

A2. Kneeling Glute Med Hold x30s/side 

A3. Sled Pull x 40m


B. EMOM for 15:00

1 - 30s TTB

2 - 30s Plate Push

3 - 30s Russian Twists


Complete 5 rounds for time of:


500m Row

20 KB Swings 32/24kg 

10 Push Presses 60/42,5kg


-Rest 2 min-

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