
Mike ist wieder da - wer erkennt ihn am schnellsten? 


A. 4 sets - all EMOM:

A1. weighted front rack reverse lunges x 12

A2. Farmers Carry/KB bottom up hold x 20m

A3. noes & toes HS hold x 30s


B. 7min AMRAP

5 strict HSPU

10 burpee broad jumps


19.30 Weightlifting


A. Power clean + clean + split jerk

A.1 Daily max in the above complex. You are allowed to drop the bar after the power clean but the break should only be a few seconds.

A.2 Do three additional sets on 90% of A.1.


B. Back squat.

B.1 Find your daily max in triples.
B.2 Do five additional sets of triples on 90%.



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