

„The Iron Triathlon“ in teams of 2:
20 - 19 - 18 - 17 - 16 - 15 - 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 reps of:
Deadlift 1,5 BW
Bench press BW
Squat clean 0,75 BW

A. Find your technical max in 10:00min of:

1 Power clean + 1 Hang Power clean + 1 High Hang Power Clean

Note: 3 second pause in the catch in all 3 lifts.


B. For time:

30 Muscle ups


21 - 15 - 9

C2B Pull ups

Ring dips


10:00min Time cap


17.30 Gymnastics:

A. 3 Sets of:

A1. :10sec. Front lever hold

A2. :10sec. Planche on parallettes hold

A3. Hollow rocks x 20 


B. For time:

21 -15 - 9

Lateral Burpees over the box

Arch rocks with PVC



If we require warning labels on toxic or dangerous products like tobacco, why don’t we hold sugar-loaded beverages to the same standard?


A. 4 Sets of:

A1. 7/13 Front Squat/Back Squat @ 65% (of max FS), rest 1:00

A2. ME Strict Pull Ups (1st Set - Supinated, 2nd Set - Pronated, 3rd Set - Strongest mixed grip, 4th Set - weakest mixed grip), rest 1:00

Complete 7 Front Squats @ 65% of max Front Squat, rack the bar, reset and complete 13 Back Squats @ 65% of max Front Squat (same weight). Do not rest while switching from Front to Back Squats.


B. 5:00min AMRAP of:

15 KBS 24/16kg

10 Burpees



18.30 Gymnastics:

A. Kipping Muscle up progressions

B. 5 Sets for quality of:

A1. 3-5 Kipping MU (Progressions)

A2. 10 Hollow rocks with PVC

A3. 10 Arch rocks with PVC


19.30 Weightlifting 

A. Hang power clean + thruster

A.1 Establish a daily max in the complex.

A.2 Do five additional sets at 90%.

A.3 10-1 at 50% of the heaviest complex. Five bar facing burpees over the bar every time you drop the bar to the ground.


B. Bench press

B.1 Pick a light, medium and heavy weight (40, 60, 80 for example) and do five reps at each weight to complete one round. Do five rounds in total.




„Double Diane“


2 rounds for time of:

21 Deadlifts 100/70kg


15 Deadlifts 100/70kg


9 Deadlifts 100/70kg



20:00min Time cap


A. 3 Sets of:

A1. 6-8 Pendlay Rows(supinated), Rest 1:00min

A2. 00:30 Chin-over-bar Hold, Rest 1:00min


B. For time:

400m Run with Med ball 10/6kg

40 WBS 10/6kg

400m Run with Med ball 10/6kg


10:00min Time cap


16.30 Weightlifting

A. Back Squat 6x4 @ 80%

B. Snatch deadlifts

B.1 3x5 w 3s pause at the top

B.2 3x5 w 1s pause at the top


C. Snatch

C.1 Establish a daily max in triples.

C.2 EMOM for 12:00 - 1st min. 1 rep, 2nd min. 2 reps, 3rd min. 3 reps then start over again - 1st min. 1 rep, 2nd min. 2 reps, 3rd min. 3 reps

4 total rounds



A. 3 Sets of:


A1. KB/DB Front rack split squat (Left leg = front leg)

A2. 20m KB/DB Waiters walk (Left hand OH)

A3. KB/DB Front rack split squat (Right leg = front leg)

A4. 20m KB/DB Waiters walk (Right hand OH)


B.  11:00min AMRAP of:


00:40 On/00:20 Off - Thrusters 40/30kg

00:40 On/00:20 Off - Push ups

00:40 On/00:20 Off - Row for calories

01:00 Rest

00:30 On/00:30 Off - Thrusters 40/30kg

00:30 On/00:30 Off - Push ups

00:30 On/00:30 Off - Row for calories

01:00 Rest

00:20 On/00:40 Off - Thrusters 40/30kg

00:20 On/00:40 Off - Push ups

00:20 On/00:40 Off - Row for calories


17.30 Gymnastics:

A. 5 Sets of:

A1. 3-5 Strict HSPU (Advanced: Wall-facing)

A2. ME 1 Strict Pull up + 1 Strict TTB


B. 3 Rounds for quality of:

20 Air Squats

5 Wall walks

20 Box jumps


18.30 Weightlifting


1.Overhead squat setup + overhead squat.

Squat clean the weight, move it from shoulders to traps, re-grip, split jerk it and do one overhead squat. That is the “overhead squat setup” that I would like you to utilize when you:

1.1 Establish a daily max in overhead squat setup + overhead squat.

1.2 Drop down to 80% and do ten additional reps. The full setup and an overhead squat count as one rep.

1.3 Drop down to 70% and do ten additional reps. The full setup and an overhead squat count as one rep.

1.4 Drop down to 60% and do ten additional reps. The full setup and an overhead squat count as one rep.

 Rule 1. In 1.2 you must perform the overhead squat setup with a 1,5 clean rather than a normal clean. In a 1,5 clean you stand halfway up, go down again and then stand all the way up. No pauses in the bottom position, however.

Rule 2. In 1.3 you do a regular squat clean again but instead of split jerking the weight overhead you must power jerk it. When power jerking you can either keep the feet bolted to the ground or you can move them. Bot options are permissible. You must, however, catch the bar with your legs bent.

Rule 3. In 1.4 you do a power clean but instead of power jerking the weight overhead you must now push-press it. When you do the push-press you need to secure the lockout overhead with legs completely straight. Do not go under the bar.

In both 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 you still have to move the bar from shoulders to traps and re-grip.

Rule 4. If you do not get the bounce in a 1,5 clean or a regular one, if you lose balance in the split jerk and put your feet together in the wrong order, or if you step forward or back as you stand up the overhead squat then that lift is a no-rep.

Rule 5. If you flat out fail a lift you have to do ten burpees over the bar as punishment before being able to continue with the set.

– All of this is done as a workout. Get fucked on pre-workout, put techno on, stop talking and get the work done as fast as you can without letting the technique break down.


We love you Erik - thanks for the awesome programming! Weightlifting 101.v



For Time

10 Turkish Get-Ups, Right Arm 32/24kg ( every rep do a 3 sec pause with your hips in the air, in your lunge position and in your top position)

50 Kettlebell Swings

21 Overhead Squats, Left Arm

50 Kettlebell Swings

21 Overhead Squats, Right Arm

50 Kettlebell Swings

10 Turkish Get-Ups, Left Arm 


In teams of 2 20 min Amrap of: 50 over you partner burpees 50 DU 50 WBS 10/6kg 50 Pull Ups


A. 4 Sets of:

A1. 6-8 heavy deadlifts

A2. 6-8 heavy Push Press


B. For time:

50 KB Swings 24/16kg

25 Jumping Squats 20kg

15 Pull-ups

7 Burpees


17.30 Gymnastics


A. Strict&Kipping HSPU progressions

B. 3 Sets of:

ME Strict HSPU(-2) + ME Kipping HSPU, rest as needed

C. For Quality:

100 Arch Rocks w PVC 


Everytime time you break perform 6/6 Pistols


All Levels

A) Work on your MU, first work on your movement then do some strength work - talk to your coach 

B)3 rounds for total reps of:

2 minute AMRAP of:

5 Squat Clean to Thrusters 60/42,5

25 Double-unders

*Rest 1 minute

1 minute AMRAP of:


*Rest 1 minute


17.30 Gymnastics

A. Double Under Practice

B. For time:


Double unders

Gymnastic Burpees


18.30 Weightlifting

A. 6x3 Back Squats

B. Hang power clean + thruster

B.1 Establish a daily max in the complex.

B.2 Do five additional sets at 90%.

B.3 10-1 at 50% of the heaviest complex. Five bar facing burpees over the bar every time you drop the bar to the ground.


C. Bench press

C.1 Pick a light, medium and heavy weight (40, 60, 80 for example) and do five reps at each weight to complete one round. Do five rounds in total.

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