
All Levels

A) Work on your MU, first work on your movement then do some strength work - talk to your coach 

B)3 rounds for total reps of:

2 minute AMRAP of:

5 Squat Clean to Thrusters 60/42,5

25 Double-unders

*Rest 1 minute

1 minute AMRAP of:


*Rest 1 minute


17.30 Gymnastics

A. Double Under Practice

B. For time:


Double unders

Gymnastic Burpees


18.30 Weightlifting

A. 6x3 Back Squats

B. Hang power clean + thruster

B.1 Establish a daily max in the complex.

B.2 Do five additional sets at 90%.

B.3 10-1 at 50% of the heaviest complex. Five bar facing burpees over the bar every time you drop the bar to the ground.


C. Bench press

C.1 Pick a light, medium and heavy weight (40, 60, 80 for example) and do five reps at each weight to complete one round. Do five rounds in total.

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