


In teams of two, with only one person working at a time, complete:

100 Burpees

200 Kettlebell Swings

300 Squats

800 Meter Run* (Jäckchen mitnehmen!)

300 Squats

200 Kettlebell Swings

100 Burpees


Both teammates will run at the same time, but the first partner to complete the run cannot start the squats until their teammate returns.


A. Two scores per athlete (least meters of A1. and slowest 200m row of A2.)

A1. Complete the following every other minute on the minute for 10 min for distance (5 sets total):

:30 Row

-Rest 8 min-

A2. Complete the following every 3 minutes on the 3 minutes for 15 minutes for time (5 sets total):

Row 200m


17.30 Gymnastics

A. Wrist Mobility

B. 3 Sets of:

B1. Wrist Push Up Walk 5/5

B2. Fingertip Push Up Walk 5/5

B3. First Knuckle Push Up Walk 5/5

B4. 1:00 Body Alignment Drill


C. Skill:

Handstand forward roll


A. Make 5 attempts at the complex for load:

1 Power Clean +

2 Shoulder to Overhead +

3 Front Squats


B. Complete the following for time:


Hang Power Cleans (100/70kg)

strict HSPU


18.30 Gymnastics


A. 3 Sets of:

A1. :5 - :10 Bent Arm False grip hold on rings

A2. :15 - :30 Dip Bottom hold on rings


B. 3 Sets of:

B1. :15 False Grip hang from rings

B2. :15 Ring Support hold


C. 5 Sets of:

C1. 10 Bulgarian Ring Dips (from Box/feet on floor)

C2. 10 False grip Chin-ups on rings (False grip ring rows)


D. 3 Sets of:

15 MU Transitions on rings


19.30 Weightlifting

A. Clean & Jerk (squat clean + split jerk)

A.1 Max out in singles.


B. Barbell Chipper

20 deadlifts

20 power cleans

20 hang cleans

20 thrusters

20 push-presses


Adventskalender Türchen Nr. 15 - the key log story oder warum Prioritäten und basics so wichtig sind.

Das ist eine tolle Geschichte von einem bekannten "movement specialist", der die Einfachheit von Training darstellen soll.

Siehe die Bilder im Anhang - jeder kennt die Methode Bäume zu fällen und sie dann Fluss abwärts zum Sägewerk treiben zu lassen. Nun blieben allerdings eines Tages die Baumstämme stecken. Nichts bewegte sich weiter da sie sich ineinander verkeilt hatten. Ein kluger Ingenieur kletterte auf den höchsten (noch stehenden :-)) Baum und verschaffte sich so einen Überblick über die Stämme und den Fluss. Er berechnete welchen einzelnen Baumstamm er bewegen muss, um alle anderen wieder in Gang zu bringen. Sobald er diesen einen gefunden hatte und löste, ging wieder alles seinen gewohnten Lauf.

Was hat das nun mit Training zu tun?
Oft versuchen wir jeden Tag an jedem einzelnen Baumstamm zu rütteln und sind enttäuscht warum wir damit nicht die Blockade lösen können. Dabei geht es eigentlich "nur" darum die Einschränkung oder den Fehler zu finden, dessen Lösung es ermöglicht plötzlich mehrere andere Blockaden zu lösen. 

Beispiel: Schulterschmerzen. Nicht Physio gemäß erklärt.

Die Schulter ist ein Luder (geschlechtsneutral). Keine knöcherne Verbindung, alles von "weichen" Teilen gehalten, fliegt sie in Raum und Zeit umher und kann auch noch in viele Richtungen bewegt werden. 

Mach einen Schritt zurück. Vielleicht ist es nicht die Schulter per se die Probleme macht, sondern ist nur der Ort an dem sich deine Schmerzen "sammeln", weil sie das schwächste Glied der Kette ist.

Mach einen Schritt zurück. Säubere deine pushing/pressing und pulling mechanics. Verwendest du alle Muskeln die für z.B. Überkopfbewegungen feuern müssen (zuerst supraspinatus, dann + deltoid, dann + serratus anterior)? Nein? Dann wird irgendetwas kompensieren. Bis, ja bis die Schulter irgendwann weh tut. 

Mach einen Schritt zurück. Reset mit Isolationsübungen und Regression für pushing/pressing und pulling mechanics. 

Dafür braucht man gute Coaches und wir sind für euch da!

move safer - make not used muscles fire
move better - technique - movement patterns
move faster - get stronger

Oder wie Coach Joey (der gerade im Flieger sitzt) sagen würde:
Set up your body in a way that it can take care of itself.



A. 3-3-3-3-3 Tempo Bench Press @40x1




DB Thrusters

Split Jumps


A. 3 sets

A1. 12 total Front Rack Lunges

A2. ME ring support position hold


B. For total reps/cal:


Burpee x8

Max Pullups

-Rest 3 Min-


AB 8/6 cal/Row 10/8 cal

Max Pushups

-Rest 3 Min-


Double Unders x20




16.30 Weightlifting

A. Power clean & power jerk

You have six different weights. Do five reps at the first five stations and then as many reps as possible at the last station.

Time cap: 20 minutes. Scale as needed if the weights are too heavy but make your decision before starting the working.

Male weights: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.

Female weights: 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65.


B. Push-press

Do 100 push-presses for time at 60 for the men and 35 for the ladies. You have to start the set by doing a power cluster, which counts as a rep. All following reps in a set must be done as TNG. You need to hold the bar overhead for one strong second on each rep.

Check this video:


A. Make 5 attempts:

60m Shuttle (10-10, 20-20)

-Rest as needed-

**Record fastest effort


B. Complete 4 rounds for reps:

In :90s

30 Lateral Plyo Skier Hops

Max Front Squats @BW

-Rest :90-


17.30 Gymnastics

A. 5 Sets of:

A1. 1:00 Hollow Body hold

A2. 10m Locomotion (obliques)


B. 5 Sets of:

B1. :30 German Hang/ :10 Back Lever from Rings (Tuck, Straight Back Tuck, Half Lay, Straddle, BL)

B2. :10 Front Lever from Bar (Tuck, Straight Back Tuck, Half Lay, Straddle, BL)


18.30 Weightlifting

3RM Power Cluster

2RM Thruster

1RM Cluster


CrossFit Invitational Event 1: Thrusters and Rope Climbs

One woman then one man perform:

21 thrusters (95 / 65 lb.)

4 rope climbs

15 thrusters  (95 / 65 lb.)

3 rope climbs

9 thrusters  (95 / 65 lb.)

2 rope climbs


Second woman then second man perform:

21 thrusters (95 / 65 lb.)

3 legless rope climbs

15 thrusters (95 / 65 lb.)

2 legless rope climbs

9 thrusters (95 / 65 lb.)

1 legless rope climbs

Remember! Minimum Weihnachtsmützchen als Verkleidung.

Unser Weihnachtsgeschenk an EUCH:

15:00 bis 17:00 - FREE Handstand Workshop „up we go"! oh yeah.

5 Coaches/3 Gruppen (Beg./Int. und Adv.) parallel zu einander mit jeweils 1-2 Coaches.

17:30 - 19:00 2 funny team x-mas WODs

19:30 - ??? X-Mas Party (Cookies, Punsch, Cookies, Kuchen, Cookies,...)


A. In teams of three, with only one teammate per station, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:

Station 1

10 Box Jumps

5 Pull-Ups

Station 2

10 Burpees

5 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead

Station 3

5 Wall Walks

Teammates can only rotate after each partner is done with the current station. Record total rounds and reps per station.


B. Power Cleans/Assault Bikes/Row/Wall Ball Fun - dabei sein, um mehr zu erfahren!



Even: 6 Bent Over Rows

Odd: 8 Romanian Deadlifts


With a partner, AMRAP 9

Partner A:

Row 12 Calories or 10 Calories on the Assault Bike

8 Burpees

Partner B: Rest



17.30 Gymnastics

A. Skill: FWD Roll Part 2

B. Death by:



A. Every 2 minutes on the 2 minutes for 20 minutes:

Even rounds: 30s row/assault bike

Odd rounds: 7 Hang Cleans 70/45kg


B. ME Deadlift Hold 140kg/100kg - out of the rack.


18.30 Gymnastics

A. For quality:

15 - 10 - 5

Candle Stick roll into box jump over

Shoulder taps each side


B. Wrist Mobility


C. 3 Sets of:


C1. 1:00min HS Progression on Floor/+PVC/Wall-facing

C2. 10 Wrist Flexion against Wall/Kneeling/Plank

C3. 10 Wrist Extension against Wall/Kneeling/Plank


D. Freestanding Handstand (with spotter)


19.30 Weightlifting


A. Power jerk + split jerk

A.1 Establish a daily max in power jerk + split jerk.

A.2 Do five additional sets of one power jerk and one split jerk at 90%.


B. Deadlift

No straps, no belts. Use mix grip. I want you to use your strongest mix grip in the first set, the weakest mix grip in the second set and alternate for every rep in the third/last set.

You have to lower the barbell slowly and explode on the way up. I do not want you to smash the plates into the ground on every rep. Control is key. Make sure that your upper body is slightly tilted forward in the top and the hips neutral not opened. Forget about the hips and focus instead of stretching your legs while keep a slight upper body tilt in the top.


B.1 Ten reps, touch and go, strongest mix-grip.

B.2 Ten reps, touch and go, weakest mix-grip.

B.3 Ten reps, alternating between weakest and strongest mix grip, lift the bar and then drop it down.


– My deadlift sessions are always a part of an ongoing cycle. If this is your first time doing it you chose a weight, which you could do 20-30 reps on. You pick a light weight. Every week the weight increases with 2-10 kilos depending on the person. Late into the cycle many weeks from now when you begin to approach failure you simply restart the cycle on a light weight with the stated goal of finishing that second cycle on a heavier weight than the first.

The deeper you get into the deadlift cycle the less importance is given to the last two sets. As soon as you get to the point where it is not easy to do the three sets anymore, lets say half-way into the cycle or so, you should begin to lower the weight of set 2 and 3. In the end of the cycle it’s all about that one heavy set. You can either skip the two additional sets entirely or you can decrease the weight substantially.


C. Bench press

C.1 Pick a light, medium and heavy weight (40, 60, 80 for example) and do five reps at each weight to complete one round. Do five rounds in total. If you have done this before, I want you to add a bit more weight that last time and do 3-4 reps in each set again. The idea is to avoid doing the same thing over and over again.

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