Remember! Minimum Weihnachtsmützchen als Verkleidung.
Unser Weihnachtsgeschenk an EUCH:
15:00 bis 17:00 - FREE Handstand Workshop „up we go"! oh yeah.
5 Coaches/3 Gruppen (Beg./Int. und Adv.) parallel zu einander mit jeweils 1-2 Coaches.
17:30 - 19:00 2 funny team x-mas WODs
19:30 - ??? X-Mas Party (Cookies, Punsch, Cookies, Kuchen, Cookies,...)
A. In teams of three, with only one teammate per station, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
Station 1
10 Box Jumps
5 Pull-Ups
Station 2
10 Burpees
5 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead
Station 3
5 Wall Walks
Teammates can only rotate after each partner is done with the current station. Record total rounds and reps per station.
B. Power Cleans/Assault Bikes/Row/Wall Ball Fun - dabei sein, um mehr zu erfahren!