If we require warning labels on toxic or dangerous products like tobacco, why don’t we hold sugar-loaded beverages to the same standard?
A. 4 Sets of:
A1. 7/13 Front Squat/Back Squat @ 65% (of max FS), rest 1:00
A2. ME Strict Pull Ups (1st Set - Supinated, 2nd Set - Pronated, 3rd Set - Strongest mixed grip, 4th Set - weakest mixed grip), rest 1:00
Complete 7 Front Squats @ 65% of max Front Squat, rack the bar, reset and complete 13 Back Squats @ 65% of max Front Squat (same weight). Do not rest while switching from Front to Back Squats.
B. 5:00min AMRAP of:
15 KBS 24/16kg
10 Burpees
18.30 Gymnastics:
A. Kipping Muscle up progressions
B. 5 Sets for quality of:
A1. 3-5 Kipping MU (Progressions)
A2. 10 Hollow rocks with PVC
A3. 10 Arch rocks with PVC
19.30 WeightliftingÂ
A. Hang power clean + thruster
A.1 Establish a daily max in the complex.
A.2 Do five additional sets at 90%.
A.3 10-1 at 50% of the heaviest complex. Five bar facing burpees over the bar every time you drop the bar to the ground.
B. Bench press
B.1 Pick a light, medium and heavy weight (40, 60, 80 for example) and do five reps at each weight to complete one round. Do five rounds in total.