In Teams of 2, for time:
#1 50 Thrusters 20/10kg/#2 Holds FS Bottom position
#1 15 Strict TTB/#2 Hangs from Bar
#2 50 Thrusters 20/10kg/#1 Holds FS Bottom position
#2 15 Strict TTB/#1 Hangs from Bar
#1 25 Thrusters 20/10kg/#2 Holds FS Bottom position
#1 10 Strict TTB/#2 Hangs from Bar
#2 25 Thrusters 20/10kg/#1 Holds FS Bottom position
#2 10 Strict TTB/#1 Hangs from Bar
#1 10 Thrusters 20/10kg/#2 Holds FS Bottom position
#1 5 Strict TTB/#2 Hangs from Bar
#2 10 Thrusters 20/10kg/#1 Holds FS Bottom position
#2 5 Strict TTB/#1 Hangs from Bar
36 Box Jumps 24/20"
6 rounds of:
6 strict HSPU
6 Thrusters 60/40kg
6 weighted Sit ups (5/10kg)
6 WBS (6/10kg)
6 Burpees
6 KBS (16/24kg)
36 Box Jumps 24/20"
A. EMOM for 12:00
Even - 3-5 Wall Walks
Odd - 30s Side Plank (Feet Raised) - alternate side each round
B. 200m KB Farmers Carry (32/24kg each hand), partner holds Plate (45/25#) OH while waiting
Tagteam Double Grace:
60 Clean & Jerks 115/75# for time (one partner cleans, the other jerks)
17.30 Gymnastics
A. 3 Sets of:
A1. 15 Banded Pass Throughs
A2. 1min Shoulder/T-Spine Opener against Wall
B. Kipping Bar MU Progressions
C. 30 Bar MU for quality (scale to Jumping Bar MU/Kipping (C2B) Pull Ups)
A. 5 sets of:
Single Leg Deadlift x5/side, rest 60 sec.
Bottom Up KB Press x5/side, rest 60 sec.
B. Run 400m
15 strict HSPU
15 Deadlifts 120/85kg
Run 400m
10 strict HSPU
10 Deadlifts120/85kg
Run 400m
5 strict HSPU
5 Deadlifts120/85kg
17.30 Mobility
A) Shoulder Mob
A1) Rolling
A2) Windmill (
A3) Trapezius smash/ stretch
A4) Pectoralis smash/ stretch
B) Shoulder Strength
EMOM for 20:00
Even 3-5 Strict (bb, db, kb) Presses
Odd 20-30 sec Plank Hold
18.30 Gymnastics
A. Headstand/Kipping HSPU Progressions
B. 3 Sets for quality of:
ME Kipping HSPU, no rest
ME Ring Dip, no rest
ME Push Up, no rest
3min Rest
19.30 Weightlifting
A. TNG Power Snatches
A.1 Daily max in TNG power snatch for triples.
A.2 Drop down to 90% and perform three additional sets of triples.
B. TNG Power Cleans
B.1 Daily max in TNG power cleans for triples.
B.2 Drop down to 90% and perform three additional sets of triples.
A. 5 sets of:
A1. 10 Goblet Squats AHAP @1301, rest 60 sec.
A2. 6-8 supinated strict pullups, rest 60 sec.
B. For time:
Run 400m
30 Wall Balls 20/14#
10 Hang Cleans (full squat) 85/55kg
30 Wall Balls 20/14#
Run 400m
A. 4 rounds
A1. Rear foot elevated split squats x6-8/side, rest 30s/60s
A2. Noes and Toes Handstand hold x 30s, rest 60s
B. For time:
10 Burpees
20 Russian Kettlebellswings
9/18, 8/16, ... 1/2
A. EMOM for 10:00:
Even: 3 TNG Power Clusters
Odd: 6-8 Bear Crawl to Plank
B. 3 rounds for time of:
10 Dual DB/KB Thrusters 24/16kg
15 TTB
20 Walking Lunges
19.30 Weightlifting
A. TNG Power Clusters
A.1 Daily max in TNG clusters for triples.
A .2 Thirty reps on 75ish percent of A.1. Two sets of five reps as TNG and with the barbell taken down to the shoulders. Two sets of five reps with the bar taken down directly to the thighs. Ten singles as fast as possible.
B. Back squat
B.1 Daily max in doubles.
B.2. Drop down to 90% and do five additional sets of doubles.
B.3 Drop down to 70% and do a rep-out set.
30min AMRAP of:
15 Double KBS 16/12kg
10 Double KB OHS 16/12kg
5 KB Floor Press 16/12kg
30sec. FLR
For time, each pair will relay through a couplet of:
410-lb. partner deadlifts
Synchronized chest-to-bar pull-ups
MF pair 2 completes 27-18 reps
MF pair 3 completes 21-15-9 reps
Time cap: 20 minutes
Athlete order: MF, MF, MF
For time, each athlete moves through stations of:
Female Athlete 1:
0.5-mile run
50 wall-ball shots
Male Athlete 1:
0.5-mile run
50 wall-ball shots
Female Athlete 2:
0.4-mile run
40 wall-ball shots
Male Athlete 2:
0.4-mile run
40 wall-ball shots
Female Athlete 3:
0.3-mile run
30 wall-ball shots
Male Athlete 3:
0.3-mile run
30 wall-ball shots
M 20-lb. ball to 10 ft.
F 14-lb. ball to 10 ft.
Time cap: 20 minutes
Athlete order: F, M, F, M, F, M
For time:
75 snatches (75 / 55 lb.)
Time cap: 6 minutes
A. Three sets of:
Single-Leg Deadlift w. DB x 6-8 reps each leg @ 3011
Rest 30 seconds between legs, rest 60 seconds after
Seated One Arm DB Press x 8-10/side
Rest 60 seconds
B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
Run 200 Meters
10 Alternating Single-Arm DB Snatches
20 Jumping Lunges
17.30 Gymnastics
25min AMRAP for quality of:
15sec./15sec. Single Arm FLR(in Rings)
5/5 Standwaage
2-4 Forward Rolls
10 Air Squats on Foam Roller/Advanced: 5/5 Pistols on Foam Roller
10 Strict Pull Ups