A. 5 sets of:
Single Leg Deadlift x5/side, rest 60 sec.
Bottom Up KB Press x5/side, rest 60 sec.
B. Run 400m
15 strict HSPU
15 Deadlifts 120/85kg
Run 400m
10 strict HSPU
10 Deadlifts120/85kg
Run 400m
5 strict HSPU
5 Deadlifts120/85kg
17.30 Mobility
A) Shoulder Mob
A1) Rolling
A2) Windmill (
A3) Trapezius smash/ stretch
A4) Pectoralis smash/ stretch
B) Shoulder Strength
EMOM for 20:00
Even 3-5 Strict (bb, db, kb) Presses
Odd 20-30 sec Plank Hold
18.30 Gymnastics
A. Headstand/Kipping HSPU Progressions
B. 3 Sets for quality of:
ME Kipping HSPU, no rest
ME Ring Dip, no rest
ME Push Up, no rest
3min Rest
19.30 Weightlifting
A. TNG Power Snatches
A.1 Daily max in TNG power snatch for triples.
A.2 Drop down to 90% and perform three additional sets of triples.
B. TNG Power Cleans
B.1 Daily max in TNG power cleans for triples.
B.2 Drop down to 90% and perform three additional sets of triples.