
A. EMOM for 12:00

Even - 3-5 Wall Walks

Odd - 30s Side Plank (Feet Raised) - alternate side each round


B. 200m KB Farmers Carry (32/24kg each hand), partner holds Plate (45/25#) OH while waiting


Tagteam Double Grace: 

60 Clean & Jerks 115/75# for time (one partner cleans, the other jerks)


17.30 Gymnastics


A. 3 Sets of:

A1. 15 Banded Pass Throughs

A2. 1min Shoulder/T-Spine Opener against Wall

B. Kipping Bar MU Progressions

C. 30 Bar MU for quality (scale to Jumping Bar MU/Kipping (C2B) Pull Ups)

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