A. EMOM for 10:00:
Even: 3 TNG Power Clusters
Odd: 6-8 Bear Crawl to Plank
B. 3 rounds for time of:
10 Dual DB/KB Thrusters 24/16kg
15 TTB
20 Walking Lunges
19.30 Weightlifting
A. TNG Power Clusters
A.1 Daily max in TNG clusters for triples.
A .2 Thirty reps on 75ish percent of A.1. Two sets of five reps as TNG and with the barbell taken down to the shoulders. Two sets of five reps with the bar taken down directly to the thighs. Ten singles as fast as possible.
B. Back squat
B.1 Daily max in doubles.
B.2. Drop down to 90% and do five additional sets of doubles.
B.3 Drop down to 70% and do a rep-out set.