A. 3 Sets of:
A1. Advanced: Frontsquats(without rack) x10 @55-65% / Intermediate: Frontsquats(with rack) x10 @55-65%/ Beginner: Goblet Squats x10, Rest 30-60sec.
A2. Alternating Renegade Rows x20(10L/10R), Rest 30-60sec.
B. Death by:
KBS 24/16kg + Shuttle Sprint(10m/10m)
Note: Each minute the number of KBS increases by one, shuttle sprint distance remains the same throughout the workout. Start WOD with 8 KBS.
A. Overhead squat setup + overhead squat.
Establish a daily max in overhead squat setup followed by three overhead squats.
B. Drop down to 90% and do ten OHS setups but not the actual overhead squat.
C. Snatch pulls + hang snatch pulls.
D. Establish a daily max in doubles (two from the ground and then two from hang).