
A. 3 Sets of:

A1. 3 Weighted Chin-Ups

A2. 5-8 Active Hangs @ 1013

A3. 8-12 Anchored Sit-Ups (with Bumper plate)


B. For time:

15cal/10cal Row/AB

15 Thrusters 40/30kg

15 Pull Ups

15 Thrusters 40/30kg

15 Lateral Burpees over the bar

15 Thrusters 40/30kg


10:00min Time Cap


16.30 Weightlifting

A. Power clean + power jerk

A.1 Establish a daily 2RM. First do the two power cleans (as TNG) and then the two power jerks (not as TNG).

A.2 Establish another daily 2RM. Do one full lift at the time without dropping the bar to the ground.

A.3 Do five additional singles at the weight of the heaviest double you managed to hit.

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