
A. Lactic Power Test:

This is the ability of your lactic system to produce power. Wenn es brennt und ihr wollt, dass es weiter brennt.

A1: 3 x 40 seconds on : 120 seconds off
 Row for calories 
– Each interval is for 100% max effort!
 - Rest 5 minutes

A2: 3 x 40 seconds on : 120 seconds off
 Thrusters 40/30kg
 – Each interval is for 100% max effort!
 - Rest 5 minutes

A3: 3 x 40 seconds on : 120 seconds off 
Assault Bike
 – Each interval is for 100% max effort!


18.30 Gymnastics

A. 5 Sets of:

A1. 3-5 Bulgarian Ring dips

A2. 6-8 Towel Pull ups

A3. 10-12 Plank tucks with feet in rings


B. For quality:


Broad jumps (aim for maximal distance at each rep)

High Box jump


19.30 Weightlifting


A. Split jerk f. blocks/rack

A.1 Establish a daily max in singles.

A.2 Do ten additional sets of singles at 85-90%.


B. Deadlift

B.1 Ten reps, touch and go, strongest mix-grip.

B.2 Ten reps, touch and go, weakest mix-grip.

B.3 Ten reps, alternating between weakest and strongest mix grip, lift the bar and then drop it down.


C. Bench press, strict press and bent over barbell rows.
20 minutes AMRAP of the three exercises above. Five reps at each station. You chose a weight yourself but try to make it one that allows you to go unbroken in each set until the very end.

Refrain from an excessively wide grip in the benchpress.

Three seconds pause overhead on every single strict press. Remember to stay completely flat footed for those three seconds by keeping the toes in the ground along with the heels.

Keep the elbows close to the body in the barbell rows, squeeze for one second in the top and lower the bar in controlled fashion without letting it touch the floor.

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