A. 10.00 EMOM from the Hang Position:
1 Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean (3s pause i.t. catch)
Ascending weight.
Five rounds for time of:
Row 350/250m
Unbroken Pull-Ups x Max Reps
Perform in teams of 3.
As soon as partner A is done with rowing, B hops on the rower, etc.
16.30 Weightlifting
Snatch w. three-second pause in the start- and bottom position.
The title says it all. Three second pause in the two different positions. Don’t be a retard and count too fast or excessively slow.
There is one additional twist. We are doing doubles and it’s neither touch and go nor with a drop. You have to take the bar down between reps and continue with the next lift without ever letting go of the bar. You are allowed to drop after the second rep, however, and straps are allowed. The pauses are required on every single rep.
A.1 Establish a daily max in doubles.
A.2 Drop down to 90% and do five additional sets of doubles.
A.3 Drop down 70% and do one rep-out set.
B. Snatch pulls.
B.1 Do five sets of five reps on 110% of A.
C. Back squats
C.1 Establish your 5RM of the day.
C. 2 Drop down to 90% and do 8 additional sets of five reps.