
All Levels:

A) EMOM for 10:00:

A1. 4-6 False Grip Pull Ups (Rings)
A2. Plank Variations for 0:30

B) For time: 

400m run

25 burpees

400m run

25 kbs 32kg/24kg

400m run

25 kbs

400m run

25 burpees


Time cap: 20:00




A. Front squat

1. Establish a 3RM in front squats.

2. Drop down to approximately 75% and do three additional sets of five reps but as 1,5 front squats. Three long seconds in the top position on every rep.


B. Bench press

1. Establish a 5RM in bench press.

2. Drop down to 90% and do three additional sets of five.

3. Drop down to 80% and do three additional sets of five.




A. TTB Progressions, then 3 Sets of ME TTB(-2) with 1 min Rest in between(perfect Kipp)


B. 5 Sets of:


B1. 15 Hinge Rows, Rest 30sec.

B2. 10/10 Side over arch, Rest 30sec.


B3. 5 HSPU, Rest 30sec.



A) Squat 


Ankle Mobility Test


Was hindert uns an einem guten Squat? Wir werden es testen und speziell Übungen machen, die unsere Schwäche verbessern werden.




5 inches = 12,5cm 


Hip Mobility 



  1. Midline Stability 1


Tabata Plank


Bear Crawl variations 

I admit the storage and usage of my data (More)