A. 1 RM Front Squat
B. 15 Min AMRAP in teams of 3 - switch as needed, 1 working, 1 hollow hold , 1 rest
60 Battle Rope Waves
60 Alternating Battle Rope Waves
60 seated russian twists
60 rope slams
16.30 Weightlifting
A. Power cluster + cluster + thruster
– You can only drop the bar to the ground after finishing the thruster.
A.1 Establish a daily max in the complex.
A.2 Do three additional sets of 1+1+1 at 90%.
A.3 Drop down to 40 (males) or 25 (females) and do a Death By Power Cluster + Cluster + Thruster.
Minute 1: 1+1+1.
Minute 2: 2+2+2.
Minute 3: 3+3+3.
Minute 4: 4+4+4.
Minute 5: 5+5+5.