A. 3 Sets of:
A1. 20 UB Backsquats - 1st Set @50% of 1RM, 2nd @55%, 3rd @60%
A2. ME Bar MU
B. Tabata (8x20 On/10 Off) for total reps
18.30 Gymnastics:
A. 5 Sets of:
A1. :10 Single Arm Plank in Ring
A2. 2-3 Legless Rope Climbs
B. 7:00 AMRAP of:
7 Kipping TTB
3 FWD Rolls
19.30 Weightlifting
1. Bear Complex (clean anyhow + FS + jerk anyhow + back squat + jerk anyhow)
1.1 Establish a daily max in the Bear Complex.
1.2 Drop down to 60% and do the following workout:
5 bear complexes
3 burpee box jump overs
4 bear complexes
6 burpee box jump overs
3 bear complexes
9 burpee box jump overs
2 bear complexes
12 burpee box jump overs
1 bear complexes
15 burpee box jump overs