A. Find your max of the day in the following complex:
1 Squat clean + 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean
B. AMRAP 10 min
5 m ub HS walk
5/5 KB clean and jerks
19.30 Weightlifting
A. Power clean + power jerk
A.1 Daily max in one power clean + two power jerks.
B. Modified Death by PC and PJ.
Round 1-5 has to be done within a one-minute window for each round.
Round 6-10 has to be done within a two-minute window for each round.
Round 11-15 has to be done within a three-minute window for each round.
Round 16-20 has to be done within a four-minute window for each round.
You first do all the power cleans and then all the shoulders to overhead. The weight for the men is 80 and 55 for the women. Scale as needed.