
A 5 Sets of:

A1. 5 sup. bent over barbell rows

A2. Deadlift Hold x30s AHAP


B. 3 rounds for time:

10 hand release push Ups

20 KBS 

30 air squats 


16.30 Weightlifting

A. TNG Power snatch + snatch

A.1 Daily max in power snatch + snatch done as TNG.

– When you get to the point where the catch of the power snatch is getting too deep, I want you to switch to full snatch and add more weight. You thereby go from doing one power snatch + one snatch to two snatches but it’s still TNG.

B. Heavy Isabel

B.1 The weight for the men is 80 and 55 for the women. Scale as needed. 

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