A. EMOM 10
1 Hang Power Clean (AHAP)
B. For time:
Front Rack Lunges (AHAP)
Box Jumps
17.30 Gymnastics
A. 3 Sets of:
A1. 3 Skin the cat (Spotters if needed)
A2. 10 Anatomical Push Ups
B. 3 Sets of:
B1. 10 Strict TTB
B2. 10 /10 Side over arches
C. Tabata
(8x20sec. On/10sec. Off)
Bear crawl
18.30 Weightlifting
A. Hang snatch
A.1 Establish your daily 3RM.
A.2 Drop down to 80% of the just established 3RM and establish your daily 2RM. You have to hit at least the same weight as you got in triples.
B. Back squat
B.1 Establish your daily 4RM.
B.2 Do five additional doubles at the same weight.
B.3 Drop down to 70% and do 20 reps with a three second pause in the bottom position. Every time you break up the set there is a +3 reps penalty.
Explanation: You do ten reps in the first set. That leaves you with 10+3. You then do another set of ten reps, which leaves you with 3+3 reps left. You do 6 reps in the third set and have completed the workout.