
Testwoche! Wir starten mit einem Klassiker - CrossFit Total.


1) Don’t be stupid.

Don’t total if you’re injured to the extent that a total will aggravate the problem. This will cost you in at least training time, and possibly time off of work if you’re ultra-stupid.

2) Don’t be greedy.

Learn to recognize the difference between greed and ambition, and be merely ambitious.

3) Don’t be pig-headed.

If your first attempt tells you that you need to lower your second, do so, without a misplaced sense of diminished self-worth. It’s a test, and it’s designed to measure what’s there, not create something that’s not. That’s what training is for.


1RM Squat

1RM Press

1RM Deadlift


or 5-5-5-5-5 for Beg,/Int.


Aus dem CrossFit Journal:

The first attempt would be a weight you know you can do for a heavy set of three. The second attempt would be a weight you know without any doubt that you could do for a single, having just done the first attempt. And the third attempt is the weight you want to do, based on your performance on the previous two attempts. If you have made a mistake setting your first attempt, the next two will need to be adjusted, but you should know what you can triple, and this will always be a safe first attempt. And since you know this weight, you know what weights to use to warm up for it: you’ll use the lightest weight that you normally start with for your first warm-up when you train, and 90% of the first attempt for the last warm-up, with either three or four relatively even increments in between these two. For instance, warm-ups for a 405-pound first attempt on the squat would be:

135 x 5 185 x 3 225 x 2 275 x 1 325 x 1 365 x 1

If you don’t have a damn good idea of what you can do for a heavy triple, you don’t need to be doing a CrossFit Total yet.


17.30 Gymnastics

Phil's ninja class.A. Shoulder Flexion/T-Spine Mobility


B. Skill: Back bends, bridges and kick overs


Bridge down with wall(Eyes follow hands, spotter if needed)

Bridge up from floor(Spotter if needed)

Back bend(Eyes follow hands, spotter if needed)

Back bend recover(Rock fwd and bwd on hands and feet, spotter if needed)

Kick overs(scale with wall or blocks/boxes, spotter if needed)


C. For quality:


75 Strict TTB


18.30 Weightlifting

A. Snatch w. three-second pause in the start-, bottom- and top position.

The title says it all. Three second pause in the three different positions. Don’t be a retard and count too fast or excessively slow.
The pauses are required in 3.1, 3.2 but not 3.3.

A.1 Establish a daily max in singles.
A.2 Drop down 85% of the heaviest single that day and do as many reps as possible in ten minutes.

B. Snatch pulls.
B.1 Do five sets of three reps on 110% of the heaviest single you hit. Thee second pause in the starting position of every rep.
B.2 Drop down to 70% and do twenty reps unbroken but not as TNG. No requirements for pauses in any positions in this set.

C. Snatch deadlifts – Ilya Ilin style!
These are not just regular deadlifts with a wide grip. On the contrary, you move the bar slowly from the ground and then stop with your legs still bent and upper body over the bar. You hold this position for three long second with the bar glued to the thighs.

Watch these two videos before trying it:

C.1 Drop down to 50% of the heaviest single and do five sets of five reps of snatch deadlifts.

I admit the storage and usage of my data (More)