A. 3 Rounds for time of:
30 Double-Unders
20 KBS 24/16kg
B. KB Front Squat Ladder, EMOM 7:
8 Double KB Front Squats
Stations are: 2x8kg/2x12kg/2x16kg/2x20kg/ 2x24kg/2x28kg/2x32kg. After each successful set you advanced further to next station. Once you’re not able to perform given number of reps at a weight finish workout with 8 Burpees OTM.
C. KB Clean Ladder, EMOM 7:
4 Double KB Cleans
Stations are: 2x8kg/2x12kg/2x16kg/2x20kg/ 2x24kg/2x28kg/2x32kg. After each successful set you advanced further to next station. Once you’re not able to perform given number of reps at a weight finish workout with 8 Burpees OTM.
10 Rounds for time of:
10 Pull-Ups
10 Ring Dips