A. Complete for time:
75 OA KBS 24/16kg L
75 OA KB Thrusters 24/16kg L
Switch between KBS and Thrusters as needed till 75 reps per movement are done. Then, no rest:
75 OA KBS 24/16kg R
75 OA KB Thrusters 24/16kg R
Switch between KBS and Thrusters as needed till 75 reps per movement are done.
B. Accumulate:
3:00min of Chin-over-bar Hold
3:00min of L-Sit
Switch back and forth btw tasks as needed till 3:00min are accumulated.
C. Deficit HSPU:
A. „Grace“, for time:
30 Clean&Jerk 60/40kg
B. Backsquat