
Between stimulus and response there is a space.

In that space is our power to choose our response.

In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Viktor E. Frankl


How are you reacting to the current worldwide lockdown? In more general terms – how are we reacting to unplanned circumstances? Is this a chance for change? If yes are we putting our money where our mouth is? Everyone at least once said „If I would have more time I will do XYZ.“ Right? So most of us do have the time right now. If not more time than maybe our lives have been forcefully focused on the essentials. Family, food and movement.

It feels like an ambivalent situation. It is fascinting to see the solidarity, the kindness, the discipline and the pure will to keep everyone as healthy and sane as possible. Yesterday when I walked my dog I probably saw a beautiful human gesture just down my street. A couple was visiting their friends bringing the own set of table and chairs. Placing them right in front of entrance but still on the public sidewalk. Making sure to keep them physically distanced but socially engaged. Humans are smart and creative. But isn’t that leading to a rudimental question – do we need a third party authority to fill that space between stimulus and response? Do we need soemone telling us what is right and wrong?


So why not choose our own response wisely. You are creative. Maybe you didn’t need it yet.

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