All Levels
BB front split squat with 1 second pause (no bouncing) (kb for beginners)
KB Tripod Row with 1 sec pause at top
Tspine rotations x 5 each as rest
10 reps of everything, 9 reps of everything, 8, 7....... As quick as possible with quality technique all the way to 0.
MB squat to bench linear toss to wall
MB hamstring curls
Plank position to push up position
MB lateral (no torso or leg movement toss)
Lateral line drill (3 foot contacts each side of line)
Inverted rows
A. Kipping Muscle Up Progressions
B. 5 Sets of:
B1. 5 Candle Sick Rolls, rest 30sec.
B2. 10 Kipp Swings on bar, rest 30sec.
B3. 15 MU Transition Drill, rest 30sec.
A. Clean + hang power clean + power jerk + front squat + split jerk
1 Establish a daily max in the above complex. The bar is not allowed to touch the ground before the set is over.
2 Do one additional set on the same weight of your daily max but without the split jerk in the end.
3 Do one additional set on the same weight of your daily max but without the split jerk and the front squat in the end.
B. Clusters
1 Work up to 70% of your 1RM in clusters
2 Do twenty reps as one long set. Keep a modest pace and focus on technique. In clusters it is paramount that the pull-phase is setting you up for an excellent bounce and that you rely on using your legs to generate the power to get the bar overhead. Use your arms aggressively to secure the lockout but don’t press too early.
Twist 1: Do every rep with a three second pause in the top position.
Twist 2: If you lose your balance by having to step forward or back then that lift is a no-rep.
Twist 3: You can’t do singles. You have to do at least doubles.
PS: If you don’t know your 1RM in clusters you guess.
General Squat routine
1) Work on your mob
2) Work on your movement
3) Video analysis
4) Perform your perfect 3RM (choose from OHS, FS, BS, Goblet Squat, Air Squat - then record it and compare it with the same Squat in a month - keep working on it)