
All Levels:


  1. EMOM for 12min:


even: DU for 0:30

odd: Plank for 0:30


B) Fort time:


150 Wall Ball Shots 6/10 kg

Every 2min perform 5 Pull Ups




1) Shoulder Mob:


Flossing (http://www.allthingsgym.com/throwing-shoulder-mwod/)

Internal Rotation with Barbell (http://www.allthingsgym.com/shoulder-internal-rotation-mwod/)

Shoulder Flex Pulls (http://www.allthingsgym.com/weighted-shoulder-flex-pulls/)

Shoulder Capsule Mobility (http://www.allthingsgym.com/posterior-shoulder-capsule-mobility-drill/)


  1. Balancing exercise to get better stability




„J.T.“, for qualitiy:




Strict HSPU

Strict Ring Dips

Push Ups



Heavy DT

Five rounds of 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans and 6 shoulders to overhead. The weight is 60-70% of your heaviest single in power clean + power jerk from the previous week.

Strategically the rule of thumb is to do:

1. 11 deadlifts and drop the bar. 

2. Do the last deadlift with the same grip as in the hang power cleans and then follow up with a set of hang power cleans but not unbroken.


3. Do the rest of the hang power cleans and continue straight into shoulders to overhead where you go unbroken.

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