StrengthEMOM 12 Min
6/6 one arm KB Snatches
30 sec HS hold
5/5 one arm db row
EMOM 12 Min
3 (legless) rope climbs
15m heavy Farmer carry
20 KBS
12 Min ME:
Row for meters (try to stay to a constant pace)
StrengthEMOM for 12 Min:
6-10 strict sup Pull Ups
ME Sandbag carry for 20 sec
4/4 SL RDL
A) Work up to a 5 RM Power Snatch
B) EMOM for 12 Min
3 Power Snatches with the weight of A. Every time you deviate from perfect foot work and lockout perform 10 Burpees - after the EMOM