
A. 4 sets of

6-8 Banded Hip Pulls 

5 Low Clean Pulls

5 Hang Power Cleans


B. 10 min AMRAP:

Vert. Med Ball Throw to 5m Sprint x5

30s Medball FLR/Sideplank


17.30 Mobility

Elbow Mob (www.mobilitywod.com/2011/09/episode-316-tricky-elbow-fixes/)


3 rounds of:

Banded elbow work 1

Smashing elbow

Banded elbow work 2

Smashing lower arm

smashing shoulder



Sledgehammer hits 5 rounds of:

10 left

rest 1 min

10 right

rest 1 min

10 left/right (switch after each hit)


rest 1 min


18.30 Gymnastics

A. Hollow Holds/Rocks, Arch Holds/Rocks, Side Rolls

B. Skill: Rock into Headstand/HSPU

C. 10min AMRAP for quality of:

20 Air Squats

15 Box Jumps


10 Pull Ups


19.30 Weightlifting

A. Power clean + clean + power jerk + split jerk

A.1 Establish a daily max. You are not allowed to drop the bar to the ground after the power clean but have to do it as TNG.

A.2 Drop down to 90% and do three additional sets.

A.3 Drop down to 80% and do one additional set but double up in reps.


B. Deadlift

1.1 Ten reps, touch and go, strongest mix-grip.

1.2 Ten reps, touch and go, weakest mix-grip.

1.3 Ten reps, alternating between weakest and strongest mix grip, lift the bar and then drop it down.





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