A. 4 sets of
A1. 6-8 Banded Hip Pulls
A2. 5 Low Pulls
A3. 5 TNG Hang Power Cleans
B. 5 min AMRAP:
Vert. Med Ball Throw to Box Jump x5
30s Medball FLR
19.30 Weightlifting
A. Snatch
A.1 Daily max in snatch for singles.
A. 2 Do ten additional singles on 90%.
B. Back squat
B.1 Daily max in triples.
B.2. Drop down to 90% and do three additional triples.
B.3 Drop down to 80% and do three additional triples of 1,5 back squats.
B.4 Drop down to 70% and do three additional triples of paused back squats. 3-5 seconds in the bottom position.