All Levels
StrengthA 4 rounds for quality
A1) 8/8 Sandbag Lunges
A2) Bear crawl 4m forward/ 4m backwards
A3) 3-5 weighted Pull Ups sup
B EMOM for 9
B1) 4 Ring MU
B2) 6 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
B3) 5 strict HSPU
then max effort 400m run
Power Snatch + SnatchA. Power snatch + snatch
A.1 Establish your daily max in power snatch + snatch. You can drop the bar after the power snatch.
A.3. Drop down to 60% and do a 10-1 in power snatch + snatch. First you do ten power snatches and then ten snatches, then nine and nine, eight and eight, etc.
GymnasticsA. 5 Sets of:
A1. 2-5/2-5 Strict Rope Pull ups @ 33X2
A2. 2-5 PB Tuck Push Ups
A3. 5-8 Strict TTB
B. 10:00min AMRAP of:
1 Legless Rope Climb
5 Push Ups
10 Candle Stick rolls