A. 4 sets of:
A1. Half kneeling DB press 5x
A2. Deadlifts 6-8
B. 3 rounds for time:
5 T2B
10 Thrusters 60/40kg
15 Burpees
17.30 Gymnastics
A. Wrist Mobility
B. Wrist Strength
C. Body Line Drills
D. HS Practice
18.30 Weightlifting
A. Hang power snatch + below the knee hang snatch + TNG snatch
A.1 Establish a daily max in the complex.
A.2 Drop down to 90% and do three additional sets.
A.3 Drop down to 60% and do thirty TNG snatches. You have to start each set with a hang power snatch + below the knee hang snatch. Not just in the very first set but after breaking up and starting a new set you have to do it, too!
B. Snatch Pulls
B.1 Five sets of three reps at 110% of your 1RM snatch.
B.2 Three sets of five reps done as TNG at 80% of your 1RM snatch.
C. Front Squat Squat - 3x10 reps. Ascending weight.