
A. 4 Sets of:

A1. Front Rack Lunges x 12 total

A2. Pinch Grip Plate Carry 40m


B. EMOM 10

Even: Sled Pull x 10m

Odd: Row 150/100m


17.30 Gymnastics:

A. Ring Muscle Up Practice

Speed Swings x5 reps -


Peek-A-Boo Swings x 5 reps - 


60 Second Bottom Balance Complex -



B. EMOM for 16:00

B1. 15 Straight Body Crunches - 


B2. Muscle Up Transition x 10 reps

B3. 6-8 Ring Swings

B3. 3-5 Muscle Ups


18.30 Weightlifting:

A. Power clean + clean + split jerk

A.1 Daily max in the above complex. You are allowed to drop the bar after the power clean but the break should only be a few seconds.

A.2 Do three additional sets on 90% of 1.1.

A.3 Do one set on 80% but double up on reps. You first do the power cleans, then the cleans and then the split jerks. You are now not allowed to drop the bar to the ground after a power clean but have to do it is TNG. 


B. 10-1 in power jerk + hands-release push-ups

First do a set of ten power jerks and then a set of ten hands-release push-ups. Then do sets of nine and nine etc., etc. Power clean the weight from the ground to get started with the power jerks. No penalties for breaking up sets. Do the hands-release push-ups slow enough to maintain good form.

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