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Adventskalender Türchen Nr. 3. - Joey mit seinen 3 (von vielen) Trainingsgeheimnissen:

1) KAIZEN, the Japanese form of continuous improvement. Quite often we think our goals will be reached in one session or one week of deliberate practice. We know that this is not the case and requires months and sometimes years to reach these goals. Be persistent and you will come closer to reaching them!

2) Search for and be critical of the information that goes into your lifestyle and training habits or practices. Ensure this information is from credible sources and be critical of it. This would be a health care professional or a peer reviewed source and some specific blogs. Sorry ladies pintrest is not a credible source for learning new techniques or methods to train or live a healthier lifestyle. Men you are probably worse. As much as I like informative blogs be careful what you read and watch because a little information can be more dangerous than no information.This also includes being critical of us coaches as well! Just because we as coaches tell you to do something it is acceptable to ask why we are doing it. Quite often this practice leads to greater sessions because their is greater purpose! It is our jobs as coaches to be able to explain why we do everything with the Grex pack, if we cannot then we need to re-evaluate what we are doing! 

3) Remember the purpose of what you are doing. Quite often we get into a groove of unmindful patterns and we lose our ability to be in the present moment. This can be when: we are training, relaxing, working or spending time with loved ones. All of these situations require different things from us, give them their full attention they deserve. Honour the present moment and you will get more satisfaction from each activity. 'There will never be a time when your life is not this moment.' -Deepak Chopra


A. 4 Sets of:

A1. 8/8 Single leg RDL

A2. 8/8 Half-kneeling KB/DB Press

A3. 8/8 Russian twists with plate


B. 5:00min AMRAP of:

14 BB Jumping squats 20/10kg

7 Lateral Burpees over the bar


17.30 Gymnastics:

A. 3 Sets of:

A1. :15sec. Ring Support hold

A2. :15sec. False grip hold on rings


B. Skill: FWD Roll in rings


C. 3 Sets of:

1:00min HS Progression on Floor/+PVC/Wall-facing


D. Skill: Free standing Handstand (with spotter)

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