
A. 5 Sets of:

A1. 10m BB OH walking lunges

A2. 15/15 KB windmill

B. EMOM of :40seconds of work, :20seconds of rest for 6:00min :

Even: 2x20/10kg DB Box step overs

Odd: Wall walks


17.30 Gymnastics:

A. Skin the cat - complete 15 reps for quality

B. Low rings straight arm complex

Complete 10 sets for quality

C. Dynamic hanging

5 Attempts to climb through our rig


18.30 Weightlifting

1. Back squat

Establish a daily 2RM in back squat.

Drop down to 90% and perform five additional doubles.

Stay on 90% and do five additional singles. Increase the weight if possible.

2. Snatch pulls

Establish a daily 3RM in snatch pulls.

Drop down to 90% and perform three additional triples.

Drop down to 75% percent and perform a set of ten reps.

3. Surprise Complex WOD

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