
Don’t buy my service. Sell me your willingness to learn.

Greg, fuck off. This is 2020.

We are in the midst of a pandemic. Everyone is selling online training. Read: trying to make a living. Fair enough. Now please go and read the first sentence again.

What needs to be understood is the concept of change can’t be bought or outsourced and I’m going to use my fellow famous Austrian psychiatrist Dr. Viktor Frankl, the founder of Logotherapy, as an example. In his clinic he came up with a technique called paradoxical intention. It is the deliberate practice of a neurotic habit or thought, undertaken to identify and remove it. Used as a counseling technique in which the counselor intensifies the client's emotional state in order to help the client understand the irrationality of the emotional reaction. It is also thought to derive its powerful effectiveness, not from understanding anything, as understanding often lacks the power to cause change, but from operating in alignment with and harnessing the power of the universal principle, "What you resist persists." By getting the client/patient to use the power of their will and intention to increase the symptom they've been automatically trying to decrease, resistance disappears, and as a consequence, persistence disappears.

What’s resisting you/what are you resisting from selling yourself the willingness to learn about your very own health?

Can you spot the difference between the first and the last sentence?


Don’t buy my service. Sell yourself your willingness to learn.

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