


Do 1 complex of:

1 High Hang Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean + 1 Push Press

1 High Hang Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean + 1 Push Jerk

1 High Hang Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean + 1 Split Jerk


1:00 - 1 complex @60/40kg + ME Muscle Ups

Rest 3:00

2) 2:00 - 1 complex @ 70/45kg + ME Muscle Ups

Rest 3:00

3) 3:00 - 1 complex @80/50kg + ME Muscle Ups

Rest 3:00

4) 4:00 - 1 complex @90/55kg + ME Muscle Ups


17.30 Mobility

Ankle/Calves Mobility


18.30 Gymnastics


A. Ring HSPU Progressions


B. 20min AMRAP for quality of:


1-3 (Ring) HSPU

5-8 Active Hangs (3sec. top hold)

10 Over the Box Jumps


19.30 Weightlifting

A. Snatch Pulls

A.1 Daily max in snatch pulls for triples.

A.2 Do three additional sets of triples on 90% of 3.1.

A.3 Do three additional sets of five reps on 75% of 3.1.

A.4 Do one set of 15 reps on 60% of 3.1 but as TNG.


B. Deadlift

B.1 Ten reps, touch and go, strongest mix-grip.

B.2 Ten reps, touch and go, weakest mix-grip.

B.3 Ten reps, alternating between weakest and strongest mix grip, lift the bar and then drop it down.




A. 4 rounds:

A1. Weighted Step Ups x 5/side (1KB, 2KBs, BB Front Rack)
A2. Supine Ring Row x 10-12 reps @ 2111
(get as horizontal as possible)

B. 7 rounds for time of:
5 strict HSPU
10 strict TTB


A. EMOM for 10:00

Even - Plank Hold x 30s

Odd -  Split Press x5 (3s pause at the top)


B. 3 rounds, one minute at each station:



Goblet Squats

Med Ball Sit-ups

Double Unders


Box Jump Overs



A. 4 rounds:

A1. Deficit front foot Split Squat - weighted if possible x6-8
A2. Box Walk Outs x5 

B. AMRAP 10min:
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
10 Strict Pull-Ups
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings

19.30 Weightlifting

A. TNG Power Snatches
A.1 Daily max in TNG power snatch for triples.
A.2 Drop down to 90% and perform three additional sets of triples.

B. TNG Power Cleans
B.1 Daily max in TNG power cleans for triples.
B.2 Drop down to 90% and perform three additional sets of triples.



3 rounds of:

400m run
21 KB Swings (24/16kg)
12 Pull Ups
50 WB (10/6kg)


In Teams of 2 Regional WOD 2015 Event 3


Run 1 mile

50 OH Squats (135/95lb)

100 GHD Sit Ups

150 DU

50 Sumo deadlifts high pulls (135/95lb)

100 Box Jumps overs



time cap 26:00

A. 1 RM Back Squat

B. For time:

Run 1 Mile
30 Muscle-Ups

17.30 Gymnastics

A. Wrist Warm Up

B. Single Arm Push Up Progressions

C. 5 Sets of:

3-5/3-5 Single Arm Push Ups
1min Passive Hang

A. 3x ME HS effort - a. hold or b. strict HSPU or c. walk - rest 3:00 btw sets and track each round!

B. Burpee Test - 10:00 EMOM:

1:00-9:00 6-12 Burpees
10:00 Max Effort

Score = Total # of burpees

17.30 Mobility

Test your Squat / OH Squat

A) Mob Hips and Shoulders 1-2 min each side / exercise 

Retest your Squat / OH Squat 

B) EMOM 4 OH Squats for 15 Min 

18.30 Gymnastics

A. Locomotion Drills(Wipe-your-A**-Walk easy and advanced, Crab Walk easy and advanced, HSW Progression easy, advanced and Partner Drill)

B. Skill: HSW

C. 12min AMRAP for quality of:

1- 3x 3 Position Strict Pull Up(Hold 3sec. at 1/3, at 1/2 and on top, scale same pattern with Ring Rows)
10m 1 Lunge L + 1 Lunge R + 1 Jumping Air Squat for max Hight

19.30 Weightlifting

A. Paused Power Clean + Paused Split Jerk

B. Power Clean + Split Jerk

C. TNG Power Clean + Split Jerk

A. 1 RM Snatch

B. 1 RM Clean and Jerk

Warm up - 3 attempts to hit a new PR!

1. NEVER sacrifice form to get a PR. If you are sacrificing form substantially, than it probably shouldn’t even count… so continue to perform the movements as we’ve all been taught.
2. A one-rep max lift is a bit different than a “set” of lifting, as far as the mental approach. It is only about 3 seconds long, so you can provide extreme focus and energy towards the barbell. As you approach the barbell, get a bit riled up. Think about something to get the adrenaline going, and when you approach, that is your “work zone.”
3. Make sure to take a massive deep breath before the lift, and hold it throughout the difficult portion of the lift. This will give you increased strength by providing a belt of air and stability throughout your core.
4. For safety, there will be a strict “THREE MISS” rule. Basically, it just means that if you miss any weight 3 times, it’s time to move to the next exercise and call it a day for that movement test.
5. If there is ANYTHING that you are hesitant about, or have ANY variety of questions for the trainer, please do not hesitate to ask them.


In teams of two, with only one person working at a time, complete:

100 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)

400 Meter Run*

100 Barbell Thrusters (45 lbs)

400 Meter Run

100 Barbell Thrusters

400 Meter Run

100 Kettlebell Swings


*Both athletes perform the run at the same time.

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